With 1552 pages, 115 diagrams, 88 tables, nearly 200 example programs, and over 200 exercises, TLPI is the most comprehensive description of Linux and UNIX system programming available. The author, Michael Kerrisk, is the maintainer of the Linux man-pages project, which documents the Linux kernel and glibc APIs. He has long been active in the documentation, testing, and design review of Linux kernel-user-space interfaces.
linux programming interface epub format
Michael Kerrisk has been using and programming UNIX systems for more than 20 years, and has taught many week-long courses on UNIX system programming. Since 2004, he has maintained the man-pages project ( -pages/), which produces the manual pages describing the Linux kernel and glibc programming APIs. He has written or co-written more than 250 of the manual pages and is actively involved in the testing and design review of new Linux kernel-userspace interfaces. Michael lives with his family in Munich, Germany.
The Linux Programming Interface (TLPI) is the definitive guide to the Linux and UNIX programming interface - the interface employed by nearly every application that runs on a Linux or UNIX system.In this authoritative work, Linux programming expert Michael Kerrisk provides detailed descriptions of the system calls and library functions th...
This book is intended as a resource to system programming on BSDs. The reader should be familiar with basic programming in C or C++. The information in this book might be aimed toward the beginning programmer - indeed, it could serve useful for the programmer unfamiliar with the FreeBSD platform.
Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling,...
Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling, virtual memory, DLLs, file I/O, and message crackers. For systems-level programmers, this is a must-have title. Includes code samples in Visual C++.
Device drivers literally drive everything you're interested in--disks, monitors, keyboards, modems--everything outside the computer chip and memory. And writing device drivers is one of the few areas of programming for the Linux operating system that calls for unique, Linux-specific knowledge. For years now, programmers have relied on the classic "Linux Device Drivers" from O'Reilly to master this critical subject. Now in its third edition, this bestselling guide provides all the information you'll need to write drivers for a wide range of devices.
This page contains additional resources for students using the CS:APP3e text.Material from the CS:APP TextbookLabs for self-study students (without solutions)Original PowerPoint line drawings and Excel graphsCode examplesLinux Reference Books Michael Kerrisk, The Linux Programming Interface, No Starch Press, 2010.The essential Linux system programming guide by themaintainer of the Linux man pages. Clear, authoritative, andencyclopedic. Includes file I/O, processes, signals, time, threads,shared libraries, IPC, synchronization, and sockets. A great book.Online GDB Materials Beej's Quick Guide to GDB (based on the very handy gdb -tui mode) Two-page x86-64 GDB cheat sheet(pdf, txt)Online C and Linux MaterialsCS:APP3e Unix FAQ
Prof. Norm Matloff's Unix/C Tutorial CenterThe GNU projectprovides online manuals forall GNU tools, including Emacs,GCC,GDB, and Make.IA32 and x86-64 DocumentationThe definitive Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manualsare available online. These include: Volume 1: Basic Architecture Volume 2a: Instruction Set Reference, A-M Volume 2b: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z Volume 3a: System Programming Guide, Part 1 Volume 3b: System Programming Guide, Part 2 Chapter 1: A Tour of Computer Systems1993 article by Dennis Ritchie on theDevelopment of the C Language.Chapter 2: Representing and Manipulating InformationPractice Problem 2.9: This problem uses the RGB color system as an illustration of a Boolean algebra.Here's a full color depictionof this color system.The CS:APP book presents several examples where the interplay between signedand unsigned arithmetic leads to bugs and security vulnerabilities. A bookby Robert Seacord (from the Computer Emergency Response Team)describes a more completecollection of vulnerabilities and provides secure coding guidelines.Note in particular the advice to use unsigned data types for loop indices.Official report on the Ariane 5 failure.Chapter 3: Machine-Level Representation of ProgramsChapter 4: Processor Architecture Y86-64 tools and documentation Source distribution(README)Simulator guide (pdf)Technical report describing a successful effort at formallyverifying an earlier version of the pipelined Y86 implementations.(pdf)Chapter 5: Optimizing Program PerformanceComplete code used as demonstration of program profilingSource distribution (README).Text files to benchmark word frequency analysis programFull text of the collected works of Shakespeare.Full text of Moby Dick.Chapter 6: The Memory HierarchyGenerate your own memory using the ECT memperf tooldeveloped by Tom Stricker (the inventor of the memory mountain) and Christian Kurmann at ETH.A less sophisticated program from the CS:APP3e text for generatingthe memory mountain (tar)Chapter 10: Virtual Memory P. Wilson, M. Johnstone, M. Neely, and D. Boles, DynamicStorage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review, InternationalWorkshop on Memory Management, Kinross, Scotland, Sept, 1995.(pdf). Comprehensive reference on storage allocators.Chapter 12: Network ProgrammingThe Tiny Web server (tiny.tar).Expands with tar xvf tiny.tar into a directory called./tiny that contains everything you need to test the Tinyweb server, including sample HTML files, GIFS, CGI scripts, and thecsapp.c and csapp.h files. Compiled and tested on Linux boxes.The authoritative list of MIME types.Copyright 2015, Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron
In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format[2] (ELF, formerly named Extensible Linking Format), is a common standard file format for executable files, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps. First published in the specification for the application binary interface (ABI) of the Unix operating system version named System V Release 4 (SVR4),[3] and later in the Tool Interface Standard,[1] it was quickly accepted among different vendors of Unix systems. In 1999, it was chosen as the standard binary file format for Unix and Unix-like systems on x86 processors by the 86open project.
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PROJ includes command line applications for easy conversion ofcoordinates from text files or directly from user input. In addition to thecommand line utilities PROJ also exposes anapplication programming interface, or API in short. The APIlets developers use the functionality of PROJ in their own software without havingto implement similar functionality themselves.
Describes the Open Dylan implementation of the Dylan language, acore set of Dylan libraries, and a library interchange mechanism.The core libraries provide many language extensions, a threadsinterface, and object finalization, printing and output formatting modules,a streams module, a sockets module, and modules providing aninterface to operating system features such as the file system,time and date information, the host machine environment, as wellas a foreign function interface and some low-level access to theMicrosoft Win32 API. 2ff7e9595c