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JICS is an international journal covering general fields of chemistry. JICS welcomes high quality original papers in English dealing with experimental, theoretical and applied research related to all branches of chemistry. These include the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry as well as the chemical biology area. Review articles discussing specific areas of chemistry of current chemical or biological importance are also published.

Ms Chauhan Organic Chemistry Pdf 523

The success in demonstrating the versatility of cell membrane coating strategy using different core nanoparticles allows one to choose suitable nanoparticles for specific drug and purpose, as each type of core nanoparticles have their own pros and cons (Table 2). For instance, polyesters such as PLGA and PCL are suitable for sustained delivery of hydrophobic drugs, while nanogels and liposomes are compatible with hydrophilic drugs although suffering from fast drug leakage. Inorganic nanoparticles can be easily engineered into different sizes and shapes, the adjustment of which parameters might be used to regulate the pharmacokinetic behavior and cellular uptake of nanoparticles [16, 81, 91-93]. However, most inorganic nanoparticles showed slow degradation and elimination in the body, which could be a potential problem for biomedical applications. It is clear therefore that the core nanoparticles play a crucial role in determining the drug releasing, size and shape of CNs, and should be carefully crafted for different purposes.

Climate change, land degradation and land use are linked in a complex web of causality. One important impact of climate change on land degradation is that increasing global temperatures intensify the hydrological cycle, resulting in more intense rainfall, which is an important driver of soil erosion. This means that sustainable land management (SLM) becomes even more important with climate change. Land-use change in the form of clearing of forest for rangeland and cropland (e.g., for provision of bio-fuels), and cultivation of peat soils, is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from both biomass and soils. Many SLM practices (e.g., agroforestry, perennial crops, organic amendments, etc.) increase carbon content of soil and vegetation cover and hence provide both local and immediate adaptation benefits, combined with global mitigation benefits in the long term, while providing many social and economic co-benefits. Avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation has a large potential to mitigate climate change and help communities to adapt to climate change.

The types and intensity of human land-use and climate change impacts on lands affect their carbon stocks and their ability to operate as carbon sinks. In managed agricultural lands, degradation can result in reductions of soil organic carbon stocks, which also adversely affects land productivity and carbon sinks (Figure 4.1).

Conceptual figure illustrating that climate change impacts interact with land management to determine sustainable or degraded outcome. Climate change can exacerbate many degradation processes (Table 4.1) and introduce novel ones (e.g., permafrost thawing or biome shifts), hence management needs to respond to climate impacts in order to avoid, reduce or reverse degradation. The types and intensity of human land-use and climate change impacts on lands affect their carbon stocks and their ability to operate as carbon sinks. In managed agricultural lands, degradation typically results in reductions of soil organic carbon stocks, which also adversely affects land productivity and carbon sinks. In forest land, reduction in biomass carbon stocks alone is not necessarily an indication of a reduction in carbon sinks. Sustainably managed forest landscapes can have a lower biomass carbon density but the younger forests can have a higher growth rate, and therefore contribute stronger carbon sinks, than older forests. Ranges of carbon sinks in forest and agricultural lands are overlapping. In some cases, climate change impacts may result in increased productivity and carbon stocks, at least in the short term.

A large array of interactive physical, chemical, biological and human processes lead to what we define in this report as land degradation (Johnson and Lewis 2007138). The biological productivity, ecological integrity (which encompasses both functional and structural attributes of ecosystems) or the human value (which includes any benefit that people get from the land) of a given territory can deteriorate as the result of processes triggered at scales that range from a single furrow (e.g., water erosion under cultivation) to the landscape level (e.g., salinisation through raising groundwater levels under irrigation). While pressures leading to land degradation are often exerted on specific components of the land systems (i.e., soils, water, biota), once degradation processes start, other components become affected through cascading and interactive effects. For example, different pressures and degradation processes can have convergent effects, as can be the case of overgrazing leading to wind erosion, landscape drainage resulting in wetland drying, and warming causing more frequent burning; all of which can independently lead to reductions of the soil organic matter (SOM) pools as a second-order process. Still, the reduction of organic matter pools is also a first-order process triggered directly by the effects of rising temperatures (Crowther et al. 2016139) as well as other climate changes such as precipitation shifts (Viscarra Rossel et al. 2014140). Beyond this complexity, a practical assessment of the major land degradation processes helps to reveal and categorise the multiple pathways in which climate change exerts a degradation pressure (Table 4.1).

Several indicators of the soil quality (SOM, depth, structure, compaction, texture, pH, C:N ratio, aggregate size distribution and stability, microbial respiration, soil organic carbon, salinisation, among others) have been proposed (Schoenholtz et al. 2000404) (Section 2.2). Among these, SOM directly and indirectly drives the majority of soil functions. Decreases in SOM can lead to a decrease in fertility and biodiversity, as well as a loss of soil structure, causing reductions in water-holding capacity, increased risk of erosion (both wind and water) and increased bulk density and hence soil compaction (Allen et al. 2011405; Certini 2005406; Conant et al. 2011a407). Thus, indicators related with the quantity and quality of the SOM are necessary to identify land degradation (Pulido et al. 2017408; Dumanski and Pieri 2000409). The composition of the microbial community is very likely to be positive impacted by both climate change and land degradation processes (Evans and Wallenstein 2014410; Wu et al. 2015411; Classen et al. 2015412), thus changes in microbial community composition can be very useful to rapidly reflect land degradation (e.g., forest degradation increased the bacterial alpha-diversity indexes) (Flores-Rentería et al. 2016413; Zhou et al. 2018414). These indicators might be used as a set of site-dependent indicators, and in a plant-soil system (Ehrenfeld et al. 2005415).

Assessments of forest degradation based on remote sensing of changes in canopy density or land cover, (e.g., Hansen et al. 2013511; Pearson et al. 2017512) quantify changes in above-ground biomass carbon stocks and require additional assumptions or model-based analyses to also quantify the impacts on other ecosystem carbon pools including below-ground biomass, litter, woody debris and soil carbon. Depending on the type of disturbance, changes in above-ground biomass may lead to decreases or increases in other carbon pools, for example, windthrow and insect-induced tree mortality may result in losses in above-ground biomass that are (initially) offset by corresponding increases in dead organic matter carbon pools (Yamanoi et al. 2015513; Kurz et al. 2008514), while deforestation will reduce the total ecosystem carbon pool (Houghton et al. 2012515).

Land use and land condition prior to the implementation of CDR affect climate change benefits (Harper et al. 2018709). Afforestation/ reforestation on degraded lands can increase carbon stocks in vegetation and soil, increase carbon sinks (Amichev et al. 2012710), and deliver co-benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem services, particularly if a diversity of local species are used. Afforestation and reforestation on native grasslands can reduce soil carbon stocks, although the loss is typically more than compensated by increases in biomass and dead organic matter carbon stocks (Bárcena et al. 2014711; Li et al. 2012712; Ovalle-Rivera et al. 2015713; Shi et al. 2013714), and may impact on biodiversity (Li et al. 2012715).

Changes in land cover can affect surface reflectance, water balances and emissions of volatile organic compounds and thus the non-GHG impacts on the climate system from afforestation/reforestation or planting energy crops (Anderson et al. 2011722; Bala et al. 2007723; Betts 2000724; Betts et al. 2007725) (see Section 4.6 for further details). Some of these impacts reinforce the GHG mitigation benefits, while others offset the benefits, with strong local (slope, aspect) and regional (boreal vs. tropical biomes) differences in the outcomes (Li et al. 2015726). Adverse effects on albedo from afforestation with evergreen conifers in boreal zones can be reduced through planting of broadleaf deciduous species (Astrup et al. 2018727; Cai et al. 2011a728; Anderson et al. 2011729).

Land degradation processes with direct impact on soil and terrestrial biota have great relevance in terms of CO2 exchange with the atmosphere, given the magnitude and activity of these reservoirs in the global carbon cycle. As the most widespread form of soil degradation, erosion detaches the surface soil material, which typically hosts the highest organic carbon stocks, favouring the mineralisation and release as CO2. Yet complementary processes such as carbon burial may compensate for this effect, making soil erosion a long-term carbon sink (low agreement, limited evidence), (Wang et al. (2017b)783, but see also Chappell et al. (2016)784). Precise estimation of the CO2 released from eroded lands is challenged by the fact that only a fraction of the detached carbon is eventually lost to the atmosphere. It is important to acknowledge that a substantial fraction of the eroded material may preserve its organic carbon load in field conditions. Moreover, carbon sequestration may be favoured through the burial of both the deposited material and the surface of its hosting soil at the deposition location (Quinton et al. 2010785). The cascading effects of erosion on other environmental processes at the affected sites can often cause net CO2 emissions through their indirect influence on soil fertility, and the balance of organic carbon inputs and outputs, interacting with other non-erosive soil degradation processes (such as nutrient depletion, compaction and salinisation), which can lead to the same net carbon effects (see Table 4.1) (van de Koppel et al. 1997786). 2ff7e9595c

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